How To Tell If Your Car Needs To Be Towed

After an accident of any kind, most people think about how quickly they can get out of this position to put it behind them. While that makes total sense, it can also lead to impaired decision making, as not every car will be able to be driven off after a collision or accident. Before you set out back onto the open road in a possibly dangerous vehicle, here are a few things that you should check to see if you need a car towing company provided by your roadside assistance to come and give you a helping hand.

6 Types of Towing Services You Didn't Know About

When you think of towing services, a crashed, or a broken-down passenger car is probably what comes to mind, and rightfully so. However, this is not the only service towing companies provide. They can haul just about any other type of vehicle, thanks to their various tow rigs. Take a look at some of them below. 1. Flatbed Towing for Exotic and Classic Cars Exotic and classic cars also break down, and when they do, you do not want some old tow truck to handle the situation.